November 11, 2011


Alhamdulillah...Aziq dah 6 bulan. Yeayyyyy..anak mama pon dah makan solid foods (will write later). Alhamdulillah jugak, Aziq still bf & syukur susu masih ada walaupun kurang meriah as before.

Ada terbaca status one of my friend ---> ikha di fb pasal bf in public & terus rasa nak share juga. So, jadikan artikel dalam bahasa omputih ni sebagai salah satu panduan daripada beribu2 artikel yang related :p


You know that mother's milk is best, and you're lucky enough to have a steady supply of it. Making the choice to breastfeed your baby is the easy part, but doing it can be a little more challenging, especially in public.

Junior couldn't care less whether you're at the mall, in a restaurant, or even in the middle of a swanky ballroom event. When he's hungry, he's hungry. Your mission is to ward off prying eyes and misguided self-righteous types, and feed your baby in the most efficient and comfortable manner possible.


Use slings, breast-feeding bras or a towel to cover up

There's no escaping it: in conservative societies, whipping out your assets instantly turns you into a flashing neon signboard. So to avoid unwanted attention from creepy-looking people, get a breastfeeding sling that supports your baby and hides your unmentionables. Many mothers also swear by breastfeeding bras, designed for quicker and less cumbersome access.

And if you're stuck in a situation without either of these tools, a humble blanket or towel could be your best friend. Just position it around or over your exposed breast and no one can see your assets!

p/s : me guna shawl jerk..melampau plak rasa harga produk berkaitan kat, be creative mommies :)


Be brave

Even when you're covered up like an Eskimo, the very act of breastfeeding in public can offend some people. You may have heard the horror stories of mothers getting kicked out of restaurants, ordered to leave public swimming pools and exiled into toilets, simply because someone caught a glimpse of flesh.

But as long as you're conducting yourself with dignity and discretion - and you're not thrusting your chest into another person's face - nobody has the right to reprimand you. So (nicely) remind any verbal assailants that breastfeeding in public is your legal right.

p/s: me tak pernah rasa malu dah (dulu mula2 je rasa segan sket)..biarlah org nak kata janji my Aziq dpt minum then tersenyum puas :)


Retreat if necessary

If you're feeling uncomfortable at any point, you can always fall back to your car, or the nursing rooms found at most shopping malls. Sure, some will say you've lost the battle, but look on the bright side - when you're in private you don't need any slings or blankets.

You can also take this chance to check and replace your breast pads if necessary, in case they've gotten soaked with milk. And if your baby's been suckling a little too vigorously, apply some soothing lanolin cream on your overworked nipples before heading back out.

Breastfeeding in public can be stressful at first, but it's also a rewarding, healthy and liberating experience for you and your baby. So give it a try for a while and relax - because if all else fails, there's always the breast pump.

Article credit to MSN

Aku sendiri bukan pejuang untuk kempen susu ibu yg tegar & baru sorang anak je pon. Nak berkongsi mcm pakar memang tidak lah. But, pengalaman yang sikit ni, kalau dikongsi tak rugi pon.

Rasa kasih dan sayang pada anak buatkan aku tak malu untuk bf Aziq di mana2 jua. Aziq pernah direct bf kat parenthood ekspo @ mid valley. tgh2 khalayak aku bagi..jnji apa yg patut cover, sudah di'cover' ngan shawl ajaib aku tuh..hahahaha. Kat alamanda tak payah cakap la..dah selalu sgt...mmg ada bilik khas, tp kalau tgh makan kat restoran, tak kan nak stop then pi nursing room tu semata2 nak menyusu. Apalagi, selak je bagi terus. Hati mau kuat :p

Paling best my SIL..she wore tudung, dia tak perlukan shawl ajaib @ cardigan utk cover. Tudung labuh tu dah cukup labuh utk cover...see..itu juga satu kelebihan utk yg bertudung labuh selain menjaga aurat.

So, semua mama, ibu, umi, mak...jgn malu tak bertempat tau kalau nk bf kan anak. Yg penting, cover bila menyusu tu, jgn smpai nampak peyotttt (kena plak ada stretch mark..adoyaiiiiii) & breast (baby ni suka sgt angkat2 baju kita bila menyusu)...oh ya....aku suka pakai cardigan yg labuh bila kuar, kadang2 tak perlu pakai shawl pon, cardigan tu mampu menutup peyottttt n breast. Kadang2 en.suami tolong, sokongan para papa, babah, walid, abi, ayah, abah juga perlu okeyyyy :)

p/s : sharing is caring :)

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