Dearest my hubby...
hepi besday to you
hepi besday to you
hepi besday to abang
hepi besday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...
moga sentiasa dirahmati Allah, dimurahkan rezeki dan dipanjangkan umur
aminnnn :)
besday boy a.k.a a gud chef..thanx coz memahami keadaan isterimu......and...penghibur dalam hidup ini.................
when ask what he want for besday present.....he said that he really want the recaro car seat...
oh...abang sayang..i can't buy that one lah..but, don't want to make u frust..then i give u the pic only lah....

1 comment:
hahahha....cerita seorang isteri yg kejam:),main bg gambar jer
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